[Logging] Log water within app
Christian Folkestad
Ideally when I log water drunk as a meal, I want this to go towards my habit loop. Even having a simple "+" button within the habit loop would be a good start.
More feedback from members:
- Add a simple way to log water intake directly within the app without relying on external apps like Apple Health.
Levels Health
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Water Intake Tracking
Dierdra Robison
add ability to track water intake- especially since you have this available as one of the habit goals
Micah Penley
Please 100% have a native water tracking log. It is frustrating that the water tracking doesn't work and so the habit is pointless.
Levels Health
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Track water intake in Levels app
Patrick OGrady
You can set up Water Intake as one of the 3 goals, yet you cannot track easily. Nor does the Levels app include Water Intake from Meal Log. E.g. I have Smoothie in my log that includes 8 oz of water. But that does NOT get added to the water intake imported from Apple Health.
Lynette Diaz
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[Integration Request] Create Manual entry for Water, Sleep, Heart Rate (your rings)
K Coneby
Add Fitbit integration
Cosima Travis
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Water intake/Mindfulness log
Teresa E. Anderson
Ability to add water intake and mindfulness within the levels app