[Glucose & Data] Ignore Inaccurate Glucose Data (Example: Sensor Calibration/Sauna/Stress)
Cosima Travis
- Ability to exclude calibration period data so that it doesn't skew data.
- There should be a way that to let the app be aware that I'm using a new CGM, which causes erratic results for at least 12 and sometimes 48 hours after I put it on.
- Compression lows during sleep should be something a user can clarify in the app.
- Suggest ability to shut it off for first 2 days as a user toggle.
- Ability to highlight when a sensor is during its warm-up/calibration period.
Levels Health
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[Glucose & Data] Be able to disable wonky glucose readings from impacting scores during day 1 or 2 of new CGM
Lisa Peacock
Whenever I attach a new CGM, my readings swing wildly high and then pretty low for at least the first 36 hrs. This gives me spikes and severe lows that are not true readings. These bug me. However, if Levels is actually trying to use our data for any type of research, this amounts to GIGO.
Levels Health
Afolarin Lawal
This request is already in progress it seems - https://levels-health.canny.io/feature-requests/p/glucose-data-ignore-inaccurate-glucose-data-example-sensor-calibration-sauna-str
Afolarin Lawal
Totally agree with this. Although one could argue that this feature could also be used to remove "cheat" day readings, I'm sure there are clever ways around that as well
Lynette Diaz
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[Glucose & Data] Ability to adjust stability score
Cosima Travis
- I have hypoglycemia unawareness and often my CGM doesn’t pick up on it quickly enough. It would be nice if there was some way to adjust our own stability score based on life events that are unique to each individual and in some instances the instructions of the individual’s health care provider. For example, my own situation with low blood sugar is quite beyond my control and yesterday it got quite severely low (into the 30’s) for about 30 minutes. When I saw what it did to my stability score, I just thought, “well my score is already ruined, might as well just eat what I want
Lynette Diaz
in progress
Happy to report that the this feature is now in progress!
Sky Pate
Hypoglycemic events after midnight shouldn’t lower score unless user is eating at night ( shift working, etc). It’s frustrating to go to bed at 9, have glycemic events after 1:00 am, and wake up to a score that’s lowered when it’s not under my control.
Cosima Travis
Lynette Diaz
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Ability to log activity (like Sauna, exercise)
Steven Schultz
considering the sensor has innacurate readings in hot temperatures, like when sitting in a sauna, it would be great if I could log a specific "sauna" mode into the app, right now i have to log exercise and check "strenuous" to achieve the same functionality (to ignore the data basically) but setting the duration of that exercise seems funky
Cosima Travis
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Ability to exclude pressure drops and stress spikes (hot showers, etc).
Rebecca Schulman
While, I realize that one can log “strenuous activity“ it seems a little bit odd that this is the only option for logging other things that are known to cause erroneously high readings (such as heat). Similarly, as the sensors are known to be pressure sensitive and provide falsely low readings at times, it would be good to have a way to mark and exclude these from the calculations as well.
To my understanding, logging a strenuous exercise also completely eliminates the scoring of that zone, which is not particularly helpful, and while the timing of zones can be adjusted somewhat, that feature appears to be pretty limited, unless I’m doing something completely wrong.
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