[Accountability] Make insights "opt in” or at least give us the option to opt out!
Rebecca Schulman
Frankly, the insight cards that pop up periodically are inane and useless enough as it is, and being able to get rid of those would be nice, because they’re just annoying. That’s been asked elsewhere, and so far there’s been no movement on that point.
The new “insights“ that show up with every meal based on “AI analysis“ are unhelpful, often insulting, and almost enough to make me stop using the app completely.
If somebody needs or wants that level of handholding and enjoys being patronized by what amounts to a computer program, then let them opt into it (or if it must be the default, let the rest of us opt out).
There are features of the app/subscription that I would like to be able to continue to use, at least until the end of my one year subscription. I feel as though I paid enough for the Levels Health subscription, and my monthly CGM subscription, that I should get to choose whether I have to be subjected to this multiple times a day.
I understand that the intention is theoretically to help, but really, the execution, at this point, is poor and it’s getting exceedingly tiresome.
I definitely noted bias in one of the insights that I think actually goes against what Levels is about. Ie, it recommended I swap roasted mushrooms for the sirloin steak I logged bc the mushrooms were “healthier” than red meat. I enjoy reading what the AI is going to generate but for entertainment purposes not for actual insight. Or maybe use a different AI model AND run the AI insights feature as an opt-in beta instead of all users.